Hair Transplant
Various hair transplant
techniques have been used in Turkey. FUE (Follicular Unite
Transplantation) technique is the latest technology in the hair
transplant field in the world.
With FUE technique, the procedure starts with the local anesthesia to the donor
area, the area in the back and sides of your head between two ears, followed by
the individual extraction of the follicular units together with the surrounding
microscopic tissue by using special tools appropriate for the thickness of the
hair (0,6 - 0,9 mm) with no pain, no cutting, no scar or stitching. Then, the
extracted follicular units are placed in the recipient hairless area.
The planting process is completed approximately in 4 to 8 hours in a single day
without keeping you back from your social life. Considering how comfortable the
procedure is, you should know that waiting for too long is nothing more than a
waste of time. There will be no swelling on your head or bruising around your
eyes, no pain or bleeding. We only require you to use the medication prescribed
by your doctor carefully for a week and to follow our advices for a couple of
days. Provided that you pay attention to these points, we will complete the post-transplantation
period without any problems.
Hair wash :
The first hair wash is performed by us on the 3rd day following the
transplantation, and we explain and show you in detail how you should wash your
hair. You do the subsequent washes during 10-12 days as explained to you and
prevent any scabs or coagulation on the transplanted area.
Hair Growth Process :
The one-month period following the transplantation is “shock loss” period, also
called the anagen phase. It is, in other words, shedding of implanted hair
strands due to insufficient nutrition or exposition to airflow in the
adaptation period of a few days. However, that does not mean that every patient
experiences this period or that all of the implanted hair strands will fall
out. That some or all of the implanted hair strands fall out is not a problem
at all.
This is a normal phase.
By the 3rd month, the implanted hair slowly starts to grow and come out on the
scalp. That means, you can easily observe your hair growing. By the 6th month,
the process will be half-way through, meaning half of the implanted hair will
have been grown. In minimum 8 months, maximum 18 months the implanted hair
grows totally, and the process is completed.